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Sunday, October 8, 2017

The meaning of study habits

     The words study and habit have many different forms and definitions, but when combined to make study habit, a whole new concept is born. Study, studies, and studying are the three forms of study that Hannah Hunt, Mikala Phillips, and Emily Fisher know. The word, according to Philips, means, “Reviewing over certain materials to learn a certain thing.”

     Habit can be broken down, although not as much as study; the word has more than one tense. Hannah Hunt’s definition of a habit is something you can’t stop doing, or is hard to stop. When put together, they make one definition pertaining to the habits of studying. Hunt said study habits were memorizing a habit, Philips affirmed that they are studying how to quit a habit, and Emily Fisher stated they are looking over information on a daily basis. Their very differing assertions attest to the fact that the words can be seen in a different light by all. Even in saying “the habits of studying,” another form of study and the plural of habit are used. Different forms and definitions are used every day, but it is unrealized and not much thought is put into the concept.

    Study can be broken down into different meanings, forms, and definitions. Studying is what is said when studying for a test, or studying a picture. The correct definition of studying is “to apply the mind to the learning or understanding of (a subject), especially by reading.” Studying can be reading, practicing, inspecting, etc. It involves many things, and it does not have to be school-involved. The definition of a word all depends on how you use it, and what you are using it for. When thinking of study, habit has no place in that definition, but when you take the definition of habit and apply it to any good or bad repetitive behavior, it fits well. Habits are good and bad. When applied to study, they can be good study habits, bad study habits, or an addiction to studying.

     Study habits are usually referred to as good and bad studying habits. When thinking of study habits, two of the three girls interviewed, Emily and Mikala, said it is the way you study that helps you the most, whereas Hannah said, “It is someone who likes to study.” This all shows how words can be broken down and interpreted into many different meanings originally by other people. Studies are a personal effort to gain knowledge.

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