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Friday, September 22, 2017

Studying is a habit of vital importance that students need to learn

     Studying and good study habits are very important in high school, college, and for life in general. High school is the place where students are learning and growing, where they are getting the chance to learn and experience new things. It leads to the real world, and for many, it leads to college as well. School is tough, but it can also be a place to have adventures.

     As Kacey Shiflett said, "Studying is important in high school because this is a time we are progressing. We are starting to become adults. It is important to study not just to pass tests, but to acquire more knowledge for the future. You should study in a quiet place. Some people procrastinate or choose not to study, picking other things to do with their time. Not very many students study, and as a result, their grades do suffer. I study because I like knowing that I could get a good grade, and learning new things can be interesting."

     College is the place where it's time to get prepared. Students are learning to be adults and live on their own. It’s the time when one decides what they want to do with their life. It is an amazing experience, but getting through it is tough if they don’t study. “Studying in college can help you get the degree you want. I would say about 30% of the students in my high school study. I want to be able to graduate and make good grades, so I can go to college with those grades. I study in my free time and I use techniques that help me learn the best," stated Shaleia Phillips. Even though it can be hard and time consuming, it's always best to study and learn more, even if it can be undesired. It might be boring now, but some day in the future, the information could be very useful.

     Studying takes people lots of places. By effectively using it, a student can pass tests, learn new material, or get a good score on their ACT. It is very helpful in many cases. At times, it is a long process, but in the end, there's success, and everyone wants to be successful. Kiley Landis says, "You can learn from studying and it improves your grades. You will pass your classes and you will be able to get a good job from all of this. Even though you do not like to study, one day you might need the information. You can find ways that help you learn the best. Some people do not study because they are lazy and they do not think it helps, maybe about 60% of students study. Most of the time, I realize that studying helps me out a lot because I remember the information, and I know what I am doing. It makes me feel good to get the answers right. Some of the things you learn in high school, you will need in college, so it’s best to study now!" It is never known when the information learned in high school or college will be needed again. 

     Even when people think studying is not helpful, they never realize that maybe it could be one of the most helpful things they could ever learn. It can be very useful and take someone far in life. Studying in high school prepares for college, and studying in college prepares for a career. If  one does not study in college like they should, the difficulty at which a career is pursued is elevated. Studying pays off in the long run, coming in handy more often than not! 

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