More than a billion people around the world suffer and die from hunger, which is classified as one of the leading causes of death. One in every six people on Earth don’t get
enough food, and that results in hunger. Hunger has been a major problem in this world
for centuries, hugely impacting lives on a global scale. However, with legal action
and understanding of the situation, the problem can be brought to a halt. “No one deserves to go hungry, no matter who they are,” comments Hope Donahue.
Global hunger is rising for the first time in over a decade. In 2016, 14.9% of the
world went hungry. This percentage increased from 2015 to 2016 by two percent. More
than half of the 14.9% went hungry because they lived in countries that were affected by
conflict. Droughts, floods, climate-related shocks, wars, and the lack of being able to
produce food all add to the hunger crisis.
All these hunger issues cause competition for the food that is
available. Available foods will rise in price, causing some to be unable to afford
the items they need to stay healthy. This causes parents be unable to support
their children and families, let alone themselves.
The world produces enough food to provide 2,720 kilocalories for each person every day,
which is more than enough. But because of global issues, such as droughts, floods,
climate-related shocks, and wars, some nations and areas aren’t able to harvest their supply and use it to feed themselves. Knowing this, what can be done by organizations around the world to help those dying of starvation? “Since the world does produce enough food, I think people in a crisis should be able to access food. We can work together to help those who suffer,” says Zane Hissam, a student at B-UHS.
As the hunger crisis continues around the world, many communities are trying to
lower the hunger rate in their towns. Food industries throughout the world also help and
support their local food banks and pantries. It is actions like these that are making differences for people little by little, slowly but surely. “Hunger is a major problem; I think that as a community, we should come together to end the hunger problems in our town,” says Amanda Marteney.
Hunger will never completely end, but societies can work together to diminish the issue and provide nourishment to as many people as possible. For a better visualization of the issue, people need to think of six people they know. Statistically, one of those people are going hungry. If everyone offered to help that one person of six who’s going hungry, many more people would be healthy, happy, and fed.
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