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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Roaring 20s

     The 1920’s, arguably one of the most upbeat and innovative periods of American history, was a time of experience. Modern technologies, such as the radio and refrigerators, presented new opportunities to the people, and the cultural life of the time was lively.

     Many people began to move into cities, whereas in the past, many people lived in rural farm areas. African Americans were also moving into large cities, so the there was a lot of cultural injection and infusion, bringing them new and exciting experiences. Technological advancement had a big impact at the time. Inventions such as the vacuum, washer, refrigerator, and radios began playing a large part in peoples’ lives. With radios came a new love for dancing; people danced all the time. One of the most popular developments was that of the automobile, which soon became a necessity for Americans. This time of development brought Americans to favor pre-made textiles, use house appliances, and spend their time enjoying pastimes such as movies, a luxury those of the past could not enjoy.

     The 20s’ also signaled the prohibition era, in which the manufacturing and the selling of alcohol was illegal. The legal standard for alcohol was 0.05%. Many taverns, saloons, and bars were shut down, which gave way to a rise in smuggling and organized crime. Beyond these changes in sentiment towards alcohol, there were dramatic, social, and political changes. The U.S.’s total wealth doubled from the years 1920-1929; this is known as the boom.

     Flappers, a “new breed” of western women, wore shorter dresses and defied their social and sexual roles, are remembered as an iconic hallmark of the period, signifying a change in culture and how people were supposed to act. However, these women themselves were not all they’re made out to be, since not that many women wore them or participated in this new culture immediately. More important in the female sphere was women’s right to vote finally being granted, which has repercussions that ring through history, even now.

Vivitrol: Treatment for alcoholism

     There is a good chance that relatives and friends of those afflicted with alcohol and opioid addiction have at least heard of a drug called “the shot,” given its growing popularity and effectiveness. Naltrexone, the formal name for the drug, is used to stop addictive cravings for both drugs and for overuse of alcohol; Vivitrol is its main manufacturing brand. Its description reads, “NALTREXONE helps you to remain free of your dependence on opiate drugs or alcohol. It blocks the 'high' that these substances can give you.”

     It’s still unclear as to how Vivitrol treats alcoholism, though doctors know that it changes the way the brain responds to alcohol. It’s important to know that when drinking alcoholic substances while using Vivitrol, nothing happens. The drug reduces cravings for alcohol to the extent that it makes drinking unfun. Unlike other addiction treatment medications, drinking while using this won’t make a person sick. While the Vivitrol isn’t directly impacted by drinking, it can have other side effects, which include: allergic reactions (itching or hives), anxiety, depression, dark urine, pain in upper stomach, dizziness, fevers, chills, sweating, chest pain, and many more. “Most medicines have long lists of side effects that rarely occur. I think if it helps, people should still take them,” said one student when asked what they thought about the long list of side effects.

     Physicians generally prescribe Vivitrol to patients who have stopped the use of opioids and have stopped drinking. They require that they go through a detoxification process first; following that, the shot is given to patients once a month. The reason Vivitrol has become so popular is because it is one of the first craving drugs that is completely nonaddictive.  “I think it’s a good thing that Vivitrol is non-addictive. It never made any sense to treat addiction with an addictive drug,” said Patty Miller, responding to questions regarding Vivitrol.

     Vivitrol has been proven to reduce heavy drinking days by 92% for those dependent on alcohol. Though Vivitrol does help with alcohol cravings, it is not meant to be used alone. Doctors recommend that using it along with some treatment plans like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and SMART Recovery.

Becoming a doctor

     Doctors, among the most prestigious of people in the career world, have had to work tirelessly to get where they are now. These experts are more knowledgeable than other medical professionals and they save lives daily. With doctors being so highly qualified, it makes one wonder what kind of schooling they had to get through to be able to set foot into their own private practices or in hospitals. People know that the process of becoming a doctor is hard, and looking at their required educations, it’s just as intensive as everyone thinks it is.

     First and foremost, future doctors need to obtain an undergraduate degree before they even think about attending medical school. Undergraduate degrees in medicine and biology are among two of the most popular for aspiring medical practitioners because they cover concepts of vital importance in the medical world. Since these programs are so competitive, any additional advantage is welcome and necessary. If one wants to be a doctor, they must stand out among their peers and in the eyes of medical schools.

The growing hunger problem

     More than a billion people around the world suffer and die from hunger, which is classified as one of the leading causes of death. One in every six people on Earth don’t get
enough food, and that results in hunger. Hunger has been a major problem in this world
for centuries, hugely impacting lives on a global scale. However, with legal action
and understanding of the situation, the problem can be brought to a halt. “No one deserves to go hungry, no matter who they are,” comments Hope Donahue.

     Global hunger is rising for the first time in over a decade. In 2016, 14.9% of the
world went hungry. This percentage increased from 2015 to 2016 by two percent. More
than half of the 14.9% went hungry because they lived in countries that were affected by
conflict. Droughts, floods, climate-related shocks, wars, and the lack of being able to
produce food all add to the hunger crisis.

     All these hunger issues cause competition for the food that is
available. Available foods will rise in price, causing some to be unable to afford
the items they need to stay healthy. This causes parents be unable to support
their children and families, let alone themselves.

     The world produces enough food to provide 2,720 kilocalories for each person every day,
which is more than enough. But because of global issues, such as droughts, floods,
climate-related shocks, and wars, some nations and areas aren’t able to harvest their supply and use it to feed themselves. Knowing this, what can be done by organizations around the world to help those dying of starvation? “Since the world does produce enough food, I think people in a crisis should be able to access food. We can work together to help those who suffer,” says Zane Hissam, a student at B-UHS.

     As the hunger crisis continues around the world, many communities are trying to
lower the hunger rate in their towns. Food industries throughout the world also help and
support their local food banks and pantries. It is actions like these that are making differences for people little by little, slowly but surely. “Hunger is a major problem; I think that as a community, we should come together to end the hunger problems in our town,” says Amanda Marteney.

     Hunger will never completely end, but societies can work together to diminish the issue and provide nourishment to as many people as possible. For a better visualization of the issue, people need to think of six people they know. Statistically, one of those people are going hungry. If everyone offered to help that one person of six who’s going hungry, many more people would be healthy, happy, and fed.

The role of cell phones in school

     Cell phones have become essential in our everyday lives, to the point that they’ve become necessary to fulfill social connections. Because of their ever-increasing prevalence in the world and the functions they can complete, cellular devices have made their way into schools, and despite some attention-oriented disadvantages, they have proven to be an asset in the classroom.

     Students can use phones to communicate about homework, organize plans, and research information, which means the need for large computers is lessened. It becomes less necessary to spend resources on large and expensive equipment since most students already have phones that can accomplish those same tasks. Junior Brittany Crites added, “I feel like cell phones are okay in class because they can be very beneficial in researching information.”

     Some people argue that students tend to use their cell phones inappropriately. This is often the case, but when it happens, phones are taken and held by school administrators and teachers until either the end of the day or the end of class. In reality, the issue with students’ abusing their devices stems from a teacher who is not assertive, a teacher who doesn’t draw a firm no-phone policy and permits their antics to continue. Carlye Day commented, ““Students won’t mess on their phones if the teacher tells them to get off of them and gives them work to do.”

     Cell phones can be both bothersome and beneficial in a school setting. They can be
used to do research, among other important work, but they are also used to play games when there are assignments at hand. Whether students do that or not, it is entirely up to the teacher to take charge of the class and prohibit that abuse. “I think phones present both an advantage and a problem,” stated senior Hannah Hunt.

The October Revolution

     The October Revolution in Russia did not happen in October, and this is because the Russians were using the Julian calendar, which only consisted of 10 months. The revolution occurred in the month of November, from the 7th to the 8th. This political revolution was when Czar was overthrown by the Bolsheviks, who were inspired to action following the Russian setbacks in World War I.

     The Bolshevik Red Guard’s forces, under the Military Revolutionary Committee, began the occupation of government buildings on November 7, 1917. “The Bolsheviks were formed and led by the Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov - known simply as Lenin. Ruthless and single-minded, Lenin decided that the conditions in Russia in 1917 were ripe for revolution” (BBC).

     “The Bolsheviks were members of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party, which, led by Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia during October 1917 and became the dominant political power” (Encyclopedia Britannica Editors). The Bolsheviks were a Democratic Party, but they were also then called the Communist Party. This group originated at the party’s second congress in 1903; Lenin’s community insisted that party membership should be restricted to professional revolutionaries.

      After its founding, the party won a temporary majority of the central committee and on the editorial board of its newspaper Iskra. The October Revolution is viewed differently in
many ways, some people thinking that it was for the best while others thought that it was a negative turn for the nation. The Bolsheviks gathered most of their support and popularity from ‘blue collar’ workers, laborers and soldiers.

     The revolution took place in Petrograd of the Russian Republic, which had only existed a short time. Conquering the Republic, supporters of the revolution carried it throughout the country. The October Revolution is now considered one of the largest and most controversial of all Russia’s historical events. During the Cold War, the October Revolution was viewed as a beautifully organized military strategy. This interpretation was rejuvenated after the dissolution of the Soviet Union at the end of the Gorbachev era.

     The October Revolution was an extremely popular uprising of the Russian
masses. “Sure, the autocratic tsarist political system had somehow managed to remain intact
throughout the revolutions of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Even the
Revolution of 1905, which resulted in the creation of a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament (the Duma), had left predominant political authority in the hands of Tsar Nicholas II” (Encyclopedia of Russian History). One thing that can be learned from the Revolution is the need for a leader to be gentle and kind but firm and commanding to garner the most respect. If the leader of the time hadn’t been a bad leader, the revolution might not have taken place. Although Adolf Hitler was a terrible man, he was an amazing leader, and that’s why his people did not revolt against his regime. The Czar was Hitler’s counterpart, telling people his goals without the subterfuge, and his people disagreed, taking actions to prevent those goals.